Many people believe that only elderly individuals can have arthritis. This is simply not the case. Myths like this can prevent people from discovering they have the disease. It can also stop people from getting the right treatment and help. This article will debunk some of the most common untrue beliefs about arthritis.
Winter Joint Pain: Why Does it Increase During Colder Months?
Winter Joint Pain: Why Does it Increase During Colder Months? If you suffer from arthritis or other joint/bone conditions, you’re not alone…
How to Self-Advocate When You Live With a Painful Condition
Living with a painful condition can be difficult. Not only do you have to cope with the pain itself, but you may also have to deal with doctors who don’t seem to understand your condition, insurance companies that are trying to deny your claims, and a system that seems designed to make it hard for you to get the care you need.
Making medicines safer for everyone – the Yellow Card Scheme
Many of us take medicines every day, to ameliorate symptoms, to treat and prevent disease. Medicines are essential for many people, unfortunately there is no perfect medicine, all medicines can cause unwanted side effects (sometimes called adverse drug reactions), in some people. Many side effects are mild, but some can be serious and even life-threatening. The more information we have …
Benefits information for patients suffering from pain
Matthew Jay of Camden Citizens Advice Bureau and Great Ormond Street Hospital has kindly provided Pain UK with the information within this document to give insight to the benefits system within the UK. The document outlines the various benefits that are available accompanied with an explanation for what they are. This is intended to be an informative document for those who wish to learn …
Could music therapy help you cope with pain?
I became interested in exploring effective pain management strategies because of my own experience of long-term pain due to a genetic condition called Marfan Syndrome. During my training as a music therapist at Queen Margaret University in Edinburgh, I began considering the possibility of using music therapy to help: listening to music provides an alternative stimulus that can help draw …
The Pain UK Call to Action
Today, on the 14th July 2015, the Chairman of Pain UK delivered 651 letters addressed to each member of Parliament, at the House of Commons. This was done to introduce the MPs to some of the issues that people who live with or in pain deal with on a daily basis. We included the Pain UK Call to Action. The Call to Action is …