Our Strategic Plan 2022-2026

‘Pain UK is an umbrella organisation providing a voice for people in pain.’


The best quality of life possible for people living with pain in the UK


To provide a stronger voice for those living with pain in the UK

Strategic Goals:

Media, Campaigning & Awareness:

Educating others and raising awareness of the lived experience of long-term pain, with the support of evidence from credible sources including peer reviewed journals.

Connection to Members:

Highly engaged membership base relevant to our vision.


The leading charity to research people living with long-term pain and which policy or decision makers come to, to learn about the lived experience.

Supporting Research (New Knowledge):

Raising funds to carry out our own research. Calling for research in key areas. Helping researchers recruit participants via our membership.

Good Governance:

A well respected, resourced and structured organisation with good governance.